
See how we’re enhancing Performing Arts education today on the Studio Advantage! Questions, demos requests and feature requests can be made via the form on our Contact page.

Create Classes

Schedule classes, assign teachers, enroll students, and upload content and files from your library to your class

Build Curriculum

Organize content within each class to structure your curriculum

Upload Content to a Media Library

Add your own videos, music, and PDF files to your library for students and teachers to access

Search & Filter Content

Use intuitive open search and filter functions to find classes and content

Stream video and music

Play videos and music without leaving the app

Download files to use offline

Give users access to play their content offline

Manage Users

Manage student and teacher profiles and access to classes and content

Get Access to Curriculum

Leverage award-winning video lectures, music tracks, and diagrams created by Utah COPA and choose which content to add to your library

Take notes

Take notes and access them from content pages for easy note taking while learning

Collaborate in the Notebook

Students can communicate, coordinate, and discuss assignements directly with teachers in the notebook

Track progress

Students receive time-stamped completion badges for each completed class

Feature Content

Spotlight select content in the hero section of the library

Image Uploader​

Upload profile pictures and images for classes and content for easy identification

Mobile-first design​

Enjoy an easy-to-use-anywhere design made for mobile devices with or without wifi access

Password and code protected

Protect user information and your studio with two layers of validation for new users

#hashtag refer to content & classes

Create links to relevant content and classes in the notebook through our hashtag feature

Display your studio logo and address

Display your studio’s logo and information in the app and website

Notifications (in-app)

See when you are enrolled in a class, assigned to teach, or have new notes to review in your notebook

Media Storage

Get server space to store rich-media files in your library

“>Contact and Feedback

Get a direct line of communication with our support team

Management Documentation

Get step-by-step instructions on how to manage your users and cotent in Moodle (our backend application)

And much more!

Katie Higbee, Utah COPA Academy Director

“We’ve been looking for YEARS for the right solution to help COPA grow and get organized. We’re so glad we found that solution in Studio Advantage!”

Ignite Creativity,
Ignite Success.


Ignite Creativity,
Ignite Success.

Studio Advantage

555 East Main Street

American Fork, UT 84003

(801) 216 4625

© 2023, Studio Advantage. All rights reserved.